Thanks Christine. Until I read about this woman's reaction, I used to just do a 24 hr test thinking that was enough time to wait. Now I wait the entire 48 hrs. I skin test my skin on my neck area near my ear so it doesn't get on my clothes. Glad you were able to find a better solution for your hair color needs. Sounds like your stylist is really great to watch out for this in her clients.
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Thanks Christine. Until I read about this woman's reaction, I used to just do a 24 hr test thinking that was enough time to wait. Now I wait the entire 48 hrs. I skin test my skin on my neck area near my ear so it doesn't get on my clothes. Glad you were able to find a better solution for your hair color needs. Sounds like your stylist is really great to watch out for this in her clients.
August 19, 2010 - 3:19pmThis Comment