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EmpowHER Guest

Im so glad Im not the only one. It doesn't happen to me all the time but I just had to leave the gym early because I felt like crap. It happens to me like 80% of the time. I swear after 3 mins my heart is racing. Its so frustrating. I was at 201 bpm. Freaks me out, I get headache and ears feel clogged and I'm light headed. Years ago I had palpitations a lot and would go to ER and of course they would stop. They told me it was anxiety. Irritating. Like no the heart palpitations cause me anxiety. Anyways finally a doc heard the palps and hooked me up and diagnosed me with Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia (PAT). However I stopped drinking diet coke and they calmed down. I have had cancer twice and had to get some heart and pulmonary tests came back normal before I had a stem cell transplant. So granted I have had a lot of treatments but you guys might have PAT it is hard to diagnose unless they hook up up to the EKG while having an episode. Im going to get a stress test done soon. Its so frustrating. I just want to be able to workout or be active without having these episodes.

July 27, 2014 - 1:59pm


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