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Anon - Some of our readers have seen their shoulder pain progress to the point of getting a "frozen" shoulder. The name may sound strange, but it's a real medical condition.

Frozen shoulder is a tightening of the shoulder joint and results in a loss of movement and pain at the shoulder joint.
* Active range of motion is lost—you cannot move your shoulder well
* Passive range of motion is lost—someone trying to move your arm at the shoulder joint will find it stiff and difficult to move

This condition gets worse over time. After a period of time, the shoulder may improve spontaneously. This improvement is called thawing. If the shoulder does NOT improve spontaneously then it's best to consult with an orthopedic specialist. Treatments including physical therapy and cortisone injections may be needed. You can find more information here:https://www.empowher.com/condition/frozen-shoulder/treatments

It may seem odd to be in so much pain from what should have been just a simple injection, but many people have experienced this. We hope you feel better soon and take some comfort in knowing you're not alone.

October 20, 2010 - 5:53pm


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