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Hi, last week I hung out with this guy (4-5 days post ovulation according to my period app) and he fingered me. Now, I don’t think there was any sperm on his hand (because there was at least a 20 minute-Hour difference from when he could have had anything on his hands to when we hung out and we didn’t do anything like that while we were together). I know the answer is most likely no but on the case that he could have had something on his hands (like sperm) in between those 20 minutes-Hour and then fingered me could it result in pregnancy. And just in general, can one get pregnant through fingering and how long can sperm live outside the body? I have my period in six days and I haven’t gotten symptoms yet but that is not unusual.
Thanks so much! Reply soon,

December 21, 2017 - 5:08am


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