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My boyfriend and I were messing around, both wearing underwear, and he ejaculated on my panties. As soon as I noticed there was a stain on top of my underwear, but no trace of fluid anywhere on my skin, I changed clothes and cleaned up immediately. All of this happened in the span of about a minute. Is there any way I could get pregnant from this incident? I also should note that I was taking progesterone when this happened (day 6 of 10 on a 10-day course). My doctor told me I would most likely have a period after stopping the medicine. So far I've had severe cramps and light spotting but no period. Anyway, is there any possible chance I could be pregnant, or is it high anxiety mixed with PMS? Please help, I've been so anxious I can barely sleep.

March 9, 2018 - 9:19pm


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