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ddadf88 - Thanks for your story and for coming to EmpowHER. You've obviously had a lot of difficulty, and are in need of help. I hope you will try the Patient Advocate Foundation that Sandi has recommended. Another group that may be able to help you is the National Ovarian Cancer Alliance: http://www.ovariancancer.org/

In terms of copies of missing medical records, please take a look at the Medical Information Bureau, which is an agency that maintains personal health information for insurance firms and also provides it to consumers. They may be able to assist you. http://www.mib.com/html/request_your_record.html

I have been through many medical ordeals myself and have also gotten very frustrated at times. I have learned over time that people often stop listening when the story is very long and they don't help me. If you don't mind a suggestion, I hope you can find a way to make your story shorter and to make your needs very clear to those who are listening. I'm not negating your needs in any way, I'm just sharing that it is a lot easier to get others onboard and caring about personal health issues when it is easier for them to understand what the issue is and what you want them to do. It is very important to vent, and very important to know all the facts, but in terms of getting help from others they tend to have limited time and limited attention spans, and even if they are nice people who do want to help it will work better if the person asking for the help makes it easier on the listener.

I hope some of these resources will help you, and wish you well in getting assistance to meet your needs. Pat

September 29, 2010 - 7:03pm


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