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(reply to Anonymous)

I can do you one better. I have been married 47 years and just recently found out he has been masturbating our entire married life. If we had had a great sex lift and everything was fine maybe I could let it pass. But thinking back there were many years he showed not interest including from 2002 to 2015 where I got no sexual contact at all. He is a techniphobe so there was no on line pornography just his imagination and fantasies he said. Well, to me creating your own pornography in your brain is worse that just getting it electronically. I just found he one of his fantasies was a very, very good friend of our for over 20 years. We say this couple two or three times a week and went on little vacations with them. The thought that he may have been masturbating (meaning having sex with her in his images) is to say the least disturbing. In fact I really don't think I'll get over this one. I am sick to death of reading how this is all so normal when men hide it and than lie about it. You don't do that with "normal" behavior. We women have been sold a bill of goods on this issue. If I wasn't this old I would definitely be out the door. But because of medical needs and lack of the tremendous amount of finances necessary to live on my own I guess it is time to use him for my needed purpose. Hey I was chief cook and bottle washer for all those years and did a damn good job of it. I share you pain. Believe me he won't change. Make a wise choice going forward

February 13, 2016 - 11:24am


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