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Hi kbrown - Hypodensity is a term used to describe tissue that is less dense than normal. If the area was thicker then normal it would be described as a finding of hyperdensity. It is an observation of the image and, as you said, is not of concern to your medical providers. It is not something that needs to be checked regularly.

Generally speaking, and speaking without access to your personal records, this finding is more of a concern when there are additional findings that would indicate a potentially serious medical condition. If you are still concerned about this matter then please discuss it with your medical team for additional information. The language they use is often very unclear to patients and they understand when patients have concerns.

What concerns me as I read the information you've provided is whether you are obtaining regular care for maintaining your blood health. Are you still under the care of a hematologist? Are you having your iron levels and blood checked regularly?

A sonohystogram is a detailed look at the inside of your uterus. Most women say the procedure is not painful. It usually takes about 10 minutes and is an ultrasound procedure that uses saline (salt water) to inflate the uterine cavity to allow for careful examination of the uterus. We hope your exam goes well and provides information that will help in determining the cause of the issues you are dealing with. Please let us know how it goes.

October 20, 2010 - 5:36pm


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