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EmpowHER Guest

Sorry for TMI in Advance )
I need help to figure out if I could possibly be pregnant or not. On May 5th & 6th 2016 I had sex. May 13th 2016 I started bleeding . I thought it was my period but it wasn't supposed to be due until May 16th. It was very light brownish, bright red and much watery. I had mild cramping also. It lasted for 3 days my menstrual period usually last 6-7 days. I started bleeding again on June 22nd . If this is my period it came a week late. This time the consistency was heavy for one day still brownish red then for three days I was spotting for 3 days and I took 3 pregnancy test in between they all came out negative. I've had alot of pregnancy symptoms like fatigue, morning sickness ,bloating, & etc. My stomach was extremely flat now it seems as im growing a baby bump. Could I be pregnant?

July 1, 2016 - 9:28pm


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