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(reply to missmorales)

Relationships are risks...anything truly is possible. You have just got to follow your heart, and be thoughtful and true to yourself first. There are going to be men, and women, who do not have your best intentions at heart. There are people who lie, steal, cheat. I believe MOST people are good, and that by respecting yourself, having high self-esteem, being kind, smart, thoughtful and trustworthy...you will attract others with those same qualities. Sure...we may find "the wrong" guy, who does find sex elsewhere. But, if you have all of those aforementioned qualities, your entire being won't be wrapped up in this "wrong" person and you can move onto a person who is kind. Many, if not most, men do not cheat. Most men do want happy, fulfilling, mutually monogamous relationships. These men have other shared qualities, that include communicating openly and honestly....that's the biggest need and foundation. What keeps men in relationships is not just some new sexy lingerie or new sex position, but a person who is confident, sexy, smart, witty, communicative and interesting. She has her own opinions, can admit when she's wrong, can stand up for what's right....I could go on and on like I'm writing a graduation speech! :) But seriously...do you see where I'm going with this? Being in a relationship is not about worrying abut the "if's", it's enjoying what you have, knowing that you are making healthy decisions for yourself and having fun and growing in all aspects. You hope the guy follows suit and grows with you, as you want HIM to be exciting in bed, you want HIM to be interesting, funny, sexy, silly, smart, intelligent...

In other words: if all you bring to the relationship is worrying about if he will get sick of you...he will. That person is not fun or interesting to be around, because they are always walking on egg shells, trying to please someone else.

Good luck!

November 9, 2010 - 8:49pm


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