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Its good to know Im not the only person suffering with this. My infection happen back in July 2011, from a tonsil breakout. I was prescribed Clindamycin by an ENT and after taking this med for two months, I had to stop due to a horrible outbreak. I stop taking the med and all of a sudden I starting experiencing this horrific burning sensation in my throat. I truly understand your story, only thing is, I didn't have to wait to be referred to a specialist. I was going to several ENTs until one finally said, I think you may need to see a GI Specialist, this was in November 2011. After taking plenty of antibiotics and steroids I was being prescribed PPI's & H2 Blockers, non was helping. Finally, in January 2012, I had an upper endoscopy done minus the monitor capsule to measure my acid. After my procedure, I told the specialist that Dexilant wasn't helping my symptom. He told me to continue taking them anyway. Leaving the office pissed, I did as I was told. Until finally, I started bugging the hell out of his nurse and they put me on omperazole. Omperazole wasnt helping much, so I met with the GI for a consultation to inform him the meds arent working and I need help. He tells me, sounds like you have severe classic case of GERD. Just keep taking the Omperazole for 2 months and we'll go from there to monitor how much acid is in your body. I was confused, Im just thinking to myself, what don't this specialist get? I am in pain and these meds are not working. After meeting w/ him I decided to try another ENT (w/ a GI background) and she informed me that she saw GERD on my vocal cords and that I have LPR and guess what she said, to continue taking the Omperazole. Really?! (These doctors are hilarious). I wasn't and haventnot gave up. I no longer deal with the first GI Specialist. I have a new Dr., who wrote me so many meds to take that after three days, the burning symptoms came back in no time. He then referred me to a new GI. This GI was nice, but to fast. He informed me that he understood everyone body is different and that he wanted me to try one other med before considering doing another Upper Endoscopy procedure, because from my first report it shows that I have a mild case of acid reflux . So I agreed to it. He put me on Carafate. It probably help for a week and a half before the burning returned. I called him and we scheduled for the 2nd procedure for next week. But, behold, I did some research because at this point, I was considering surgery, but after reading how many people suffer just as bad after the surgery, I threw this idea out the window. Come to find out its being said that the best way to cure this disease is to change your diet, which I have done, and to possibly consider curing this disease the natural way. I have not gone for my second procedure just yet. I have decided to work with a hollistic doctor, who highly understands my pain. I just met with her Monday, and she informed me about probiotic. I ordered it online since it was cheaper and Im hearing great reviews about this product and Im praying to God this stuff will help me out. Because I am tired of being in pain and popping pills, especially when they are not helping. To be honest with you all, I think the med causes the symptoms to be worse. So right now, Im just taking Nexium until this arrive. I pray for all of us who are suffering from this and will get well soon. I have to get off these meds. They arent doing anything and so isn't the doctors. Let us know how you are doing and I can keep you inform as well.

April 26, 2012 - 2:46pm


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