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EmpowHER Guest

I have LPR and have a wonderful Gastroenterologist who understood when I said that PPI's made the pepsin reflux worse not better. Ironically, I rarely get burning except when I start on those things. Why ? How bizzare!
My symptoms are strong causic bicarbonate taste in my mouth that won't flush away, copious clear mucus that constantly pours out if I lean over the toilet bowl (if I don't get this out it fills my throat and causes chronic nausea) often upsetting my tummy and killing my appetite. It is simply hell on earth and started after very bad food poisoning.
I too am trying pro-biotics as does bacterial overgrowth and low acid cause this gas that brings the darn stuff up?
I have had all the tests now and am awaiting the results of my PH and motilility tests. I am considering LINX surgery as they list LPR in the list of conditions that they can treat providing you don't have a motility issue with the swallow reaction.
I can relate to the stress of it all as it's assault on daily joy of life is chronic. I sometimes despair at the thought of living like this if no medical advance is made. I have children and a great husband and supportive parents. If it wasn't for them I would want to die. My lovely full figure is gradually depleting the longer this illness is allowed to take control due to the nausea and the fact that I can only manage the lighter fresh food options.
Good luck to you all
Cathy - 43 - too young to give up hope of a cure!

January 1, 2013 - 4:44pm


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