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Anonymous (reply to eewright)

Hi all, This is an email that I sent to my specialist. The ironic thing is that he had seen the extent of my reflux. Two glasses of it over 48 hours when I decided to spit it up instead of swallowing it back down with fluids. He had said he had seen enough and that if I could not manage the 24hour it would be ok but he did need the motility test. I did both and below picks up the story. However, looking at the posts my thoughts on surgery should be met with caution.

Dr London,

Many thanks for your help over the last few months. I do feel disappointed but not surprised that there was no available or effective treatment or medications for my problem at the moment. My story is typical of many I have read who suffer with reflux into the throat area. Also, please do not think I am aiming these thoughts directly at you but more at the system as it stands as a whole.

Whilst some reflux into the lower oesophagus (only) is normal and the area tolerant of a significant number of episodes, I can understand that the number of events into this area must be measurable/recorded as a high amount to be considered extreme. From the research I have done it would appear (and my case and symptoms support this) that should the reflux pass through the next valve and into the throat the tolerance of the tissue and larynx is much lower before the trouble starts. Perhaps it is a thought that in cases such as mine any reflux events should be considered abnormal. Surely it should be judged on different barometeduring our consultation today that my reflux events over 24 hours was considered in the normal boundaries - Why then do I suffer on a daily basis(many days all day) with copious clear sticky mucus, nausea and a nasty taste? It is no way to live long term and my plan must be now to find an institute that recognises silent, none burning throat reflux for the intolerable condition it is.

With the above in mind, I am concious of the drawbacks of internet research and have been watchful of the source of the information I have been reading. I have built my opinion of the above by picking out information which would appear to feature in many different articles on the subject of reflux that comes right up the oesophagus. I wanted to understand why this happens to some people and not others. I wanted to understand why I did not respond to the PPI's that thousands of people get full symptom control from.

I very much appreciate the investigations that have eliminated the extra worry of what else underlying could be causing my reflux. This has given me peace of mind in this area which is a massive step forward in the right direction as stress no doubt exasperates this condition. Another area that I plan to keep to a minimum if possible.

I will try the final suggestions for medications that you have given me today, along with sticking to essential diet modifications that I have found bring at least some relief. I am currently 4 days into a gluten free month to ensure I also rule out a gluten sensitivity. I still hold out hope for a more permanent solution to be found. Perhaps at some point in the future a pepsin inhibitor will be developed such as when they broke through with acid management due to the PPI drugs.

I will also be watching the LINX system surgery with a keen interest but will take your wise advice and be objective to ensure it's longer term safety and success rates, particularly with atypical type reflux beforehand.


Catherine Roberts

February 1, 2013 - 2:28pm


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