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EmpowHER Guest

Great blog (thanks).

Ive had the LPR problem (mucus and dry throat/mouth at night for about five months now) and I'm sure for me its mainly stress related.
I do practice TM meditation, which is great -and it certainly helps to keep my acid levels down, and hence my symptoms. But I'm in the process of moving house so its an extra stressful time just now, so I really have to work at eating the right things and keeping in balance via exercise/walks etc.

Ive found Coco Vita coconut juice is very good as an anti acid (I take a small cupfull am and pm -no more). As is Pukka aloe vera juice is very good too. Its expensive but you only take a few tablespoons full a day. DGL licorice is supposed to be good for keeping acid in check but I havent ried it yet.

One thing: avoid yoghurt at all cost as its very acidic, yet many people with LPR think its fine. You can whisk 4 tablespoons of live yoghurt into a glass of water to produce delicious cooling Lassi (the drink you get in Indian restaurants), its tasty, much less acidic, plus its probiotic and good for the tum.

Dont forget your posture. Wear loose fitting clothes, underwear, belts etc. Avoid bending at the waist (bend knees instead), and avoid sitting hunched over, keep a straight back.

Avoid worrying yourself on the internet. Research by all means but avoid jumping to conclusions. LPR is a very common problem which basically forces you to adopt a healthier more balanced lifestyle ..so it can be a positive thing in that respect.

Best wishes.
...hold on in there ...and you'll be just fine.

PS: You may want to change the blog font style (and perhaps size) as its quite hard to read and not too attractive a font.

April 6, 2013 - 1:49pm


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