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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

Ah yes, I received the same type of treatment...blank stare from all the 4 teams of doctors I had. Even though all ENTs confirmed severe burns in the throat, even though with time I had a fundoplication surgery (which did nothing to help my situation; in fact I got 10x worse after fundoplication surgery; I suspect I know why: all the medical periodical for LPR doesn't help because LPR is caused by a lifetime of low D levels in my humble opinion....which is dangerous, as low D levels since utero (which most of us have in modern life) causes permanent damage to all the system of our body). So the fundo surgery didn't work for me becasue LPR is not a illness that surgery fixes. It takes strengthening all the muscles of the body and only hormone D3 and sunshine worked for me, though how long it works for me is still a big question mark for me. I had to figure out what was wrong with me with no science background. I'm so grateful for the internet and the web. I pieced it together through a lot of weeping through serious pain 24/7. I'm so angry that D and sunshine is not part of preventative health care. I'm so angry that D and B12 levels are not part of our annual check ups from the moment our mothers carry us. I'm so angry for all the populations of the planet that suffer with a thousand different illnesses all due to one root cause: low sunshine since utero and low D levels. It goes beyond the pale of decency that there isn't wide spread education on this. But this is my personal theory and I have never seen anything in the periodicals that shows LPR is caused by low D/low sunshine. It seems LPR patients are treated with the most despicable attitude by doctors. Mine blamed it on "some unknown stress". What a disgraceful thing to say to a patient. In so many words the doctors are indirectly blaming the patient...that we can control it somehow. What a horrible thing to be put through. I use to think during those long 2 1/2 years in pain that it was one of the loneliest anatomical illnesses as no one can see it and the doctors treat you like your doing it. It literally is like being in the twilight zone. www.grassrootshealth.net But Vitamin D doctors are trying to turn this around.

March 16, 2016 - 9:09pm


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