Information we all need to know about Schizophrenia... especially if you have friends or loved ones dealing with this... please read:
The Name of the Demon, Telepathic Communications
Before one can understand this machine we call consciousness, one must be prepared to accept new concepts.
Telepathic communication is a lot like being on the internet; if you are chatting with a group of people on the internet, you will often not know those who you are talking with. The internet is a great place for someone to portray themselves falsely.
When our guides talk to us, they use a highly sophisticated “other dimensional radio”. All of us on the earth have a computer address which is just like an “IP Address” for those of us who understand a little about computer terminology. This address is considered sacred and given only to those who are authorized to have it (our guides), those who are authorized to speak to a specific person on the earth. However, just like on the earth, there are those “out there” who are willing to commit crimes for one reason or another.
It is important for those who work in the field of human behavior including the religious and scientific communities, to understand what is truly occurring in order to put an end to it. When we can move beyond our primitive beliefs and theories in both science and religion and see these disorders for what they truly are, then they can be confronted by the scientists, the priests and those afflicted in an intelligent and effective manner.
To read article in its entirety, please visit…
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Information we all need to know about Schizophrenia... especially if you have friends or loved ones dealing with this... please read:
The Name of the Demon, Telepathic Communications
Before one can understand this machine we call consciousness, one must be prepared to accept new concepts.
Telepathic communication is a lot like being on the internet; if you are chatting with a group of people on the internet, you will often not know those who you are talking with. The internet is a great place for someone to portray themselves falsely.
When our guides talk to us, they use a highly sophisticated “other dimensional radio”. All of us on the earth have a computer address which is just like an “IP Address” for those of us who understand a little about computer terminology. This address is considered sacred and given only to those who are authorized to have it (our guides), those who are authorized to speak to a specific person on the earth. However, just like on the earth, there are those “out there” who are willing to commit crimes for one reason or another.
It is important for those who work in the field of human behavior including the religious and scientific communities, to understand what is truly occurring in order to put an end to it. When we can move beyond our primitive beliefs and theories in both science and religion and see these disorders for what they truly are, then they can be confronted by the scientists, the priests and those afflicted in an intelligent and effective manner.
To read article in its entirety, please visit…
February 13, 2011 - 4:50pm
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