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Hi Shill957,
Wow, you've been through a lot!! Sorry that you've had to deal with all of this - it's not fun as I can relate. But there is hope and you can walk, it's just going to take some time.
I had my right ankle fused back in 2006 and your right you do need to learn how to walk again. It's going to be different since your ankle doesn't move at all, but it is possible. I also had the rod and screws inserted through my heel and your right it does hurt once you start to put your weight on it, so take it easy and listen to your body it will let you know how much you can take at it time. Once my doctor gave me the go ahead to walk I stayed in my rocker boot for a couple more weeks and gradually winged myself out of it.
I did go to physical therapy for six months once I got the green light to walk on it. Not sure why your doctor didn't recommend it, but if it makes you feel more comfortable I'd request it. As you stated you don't know how to walk it's a totally different experience and I don't know about you, but I had atrophy in my right leg set in that needed to be addressed as well and the PT really made a difference. However, you do need to work with someone that knows how to deal with an ankle fusion.
The one thing that does make a BIG difference is the type of shoe you walk in. For most comfort and making it a better walking experience I wear rocker bottom shoes - like MBTs. Other brands are making them now example: Shape Ups, etc., but what you're looking for is a shoe that going to provide that heal to toe motion you no longer have.
Now how I walk when I'm bare foot is a little different. Let me try to explain..it's not that hard just weird and take some getting us to. I don't know how your foot is set after your fusion but my right foot angles a little to the left. Let's see if I can give you a visual here...if I'm sitting on my bed and my foot is dangling my left foot is normal points forward but my right foot point a little to the left and doesn't look normal. Dr. said he did it that way so it allows for some movement. This is the hard part to explain..so hang in there. When I walk on it instead of a normal heal to toe, it's almost like I walk from heal to the big toe using the side of my foot. It's not normal so you do walk with a gimp/limp but gets easier over time. You do have to be very careful that you don't mess up your hip or back. You may already be experiencing some pain and discomfort since you've been in that rocker boot (i hated that thing). Sorry if that's long winded and hard to understand but it's not easy to explain and walking might be easier for you since it all depends on what type of ankle fusion you had. Mine was a total ankle fusion, so the only thing that moves on my right foot are my toes. You make a little more mobility than that so it could be a lot easier for you.
Here's the link to my post on my ankle fusion. You'll also be able to connect with other women that have had different experiences with their ankle fusion and can also provide you with some suggestions/support.

Here's a link to the MBT shoes I wear, they aren't pretty but they do the job. And when I wear them nobody would ever guess that my ankle was fused.

Do you have any movement in your fused ankle?
I hope this helps you out, let me know how you're doing.

Take care,

February 3, 2011 - 6:16pm


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