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(reply to Anonymous)

Hi Anon,

thanks for your reply. Its feels good to know that someone else has gone through the same thing and has found relief! The pills I have been taking have helped some but I still get pain at various times in my cycle. I don't get a period anymore and yet I still get pain thats why my Dr. wants to do the surgery. I will make sure that I follow Dr.s orders to a T!!! I already scheduled a week off work just in case i need it.

My GYN is supposed to be one of the best in his field, and I'm not sure yet how specialized he is with endo... but he recognized that something was wrong on the first visit and scheduled surgery on the second. He is already talking about where we will go after the surgery depending on whats found So i feel very comfortable with him. I don't know where u live but my Dr. is in ontario and if u are in this area I would strongly recommend him.

We havent tried to get pregnant yet... but we plan on it within the next year... so heres hoping that things go good!

I hope you that you continue to feel better and I hope u find a Dr that understands your needs!!!

take care and thanks again :)

February 11, 2011 - 3:07pm


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