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Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Hi! mark here :)

me and my Gf had sex on jan 4 and I let her take nordette on 6 7am then 7pm and her last period is on dec 28 which mean we had sex on her 8th cycle shes said she usually have a long period and her last period last 36 days and I read in some research study that ovulation day is usually in the middle of your cycle means if you have a 28 days cycle your ovulation is gonna occur somewhere between 12 to 16 and 30 or more cycle means your O day is push more to 15 to 20 and her period normally around 30 or more that means she have a lower chance of getting pregnant since she have long cycle and I also read that 4 days before O day is fertile day and the chances are -5 5%, -4 15%, 3 10%, -2 25%, -1 33%, 0 25% and +1 25% and 33% is the highest chance you can get if you want to get pregnant and research says the nordette is 75% to 90% if taken within 75 hours and itll make the 8% chance to 2% pregnancy rate and extremely effective, I used withdrawal method I know its not a good BC but its better than nothing and I might let a drop of sperm inside here even thought I didnt ejaculated inside her Ive also read that out of 300 mil sperm in a full ejaculation only 1 million will get at the cervix and half of that will get lost and around a dozen to a hundred will get to the fallopian tube means a drop will most like will not get through but I know theres a chance and I also know that sperm can live up to 5 days but thats rare most of them just live for 2 days to 3
yeah Im so dedicated at researching and its already long enough hahahah I wanna say more but its already long
I pretty much sure that shes not pregnant cuz I even let her take morning after pill and were far from her O day were just waiting for withdrawal bleeding that comes with the pill side effect and I know that if she got withdrawal bleeding itll be late for her normal mens since all of the hormone
I just want a opinion from someone who knows more than me
so what do you think is her chances of getting pregnant? TY :)

January 9, 2017 - 12:40am


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