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According to numerous medical sites that describe a cervical biopsy, "the biopsy may feel like a pinch each time a tissue sample is taken." (I'm assuming you are rolling your eyes at this point!).

Depending on the sample size, some women do feel a "pinch". Other women feel more pain, but of course, this depends on many factors (doctor, patient, sample size taken, etc).

To answer your question, there are some cervical biopsies performed with an injection of anesthetic, but some women may feel this is more painful than the quick biopsy "pinch" itself. Other options for pain relief include oral pain relievers or a type of local anesthetic in the form of an ointment that can block some pain.

There are risks involved with any type of anesthetic, and this is a procedure (depending on many variables) where the anesthetic risks many not outweigh the benefits.

However, every woman is different, and it is important to talk with your doctor about pain relieving options before the procedure. I'm curious if your doctor did properly prepare you for the possibility of pain?

I am sorry you had a bad experience. Have you spoken with your doctor about this?

February 20, 2011 - 7:35pm


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