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Hi, I live in Perth Western Australia. The summers here are unforgivingly hot - our sun here literally burns steel! I never had this itching problem before. My wife and I contracted it at the same time about 3 months ago - on our forearms in the elbow region. Coincidentally we both developed a sore elbow joint - like an arthritis attack. My itch spread to the stomach about 4 inches away from my belly button. I tried various creams, ie Dettol etc from the supermarket and chemist with moderate results. I used a cut lemon and rubbed it over the itchy areas and it helped somewhat. I even used Listerine mouth wash and that gave me some relief. If it is the sun, then why not the rest of the body and long time ago? I have a bad neck (arthritis in joints) and broken back with concussed spine but that occurred years ago and why flare up now? It's winter here and I only started to get this itchy condition at the start of winter. We use an electric blanket, sleep on a rubber/latex mattress and use Duve's purchased from Ikea. My theory is it's an allergy condition of sorts. Perhaps the rubber/latex mattress is undergoing hysteresis (ie rubber/latex compounds slowly breaking down via the heat from the electric blanket). But why just the arms? Does anyone else with this condition sleep on rubber/latex mattresses or mattresses with memory foam? It could be the culprit as my wife and I have not altered our food, perfumes, detergents etc in recent times. I'll go and see my doctor if he can put an angle on it. One thing for sure is that I'm allergic to the band aid called Elastoplast which is made of a latex cloth fabric having a strong adhesive. My doctor put a patch on me about 2 years ago when I went for a checkup and gave a blood sample. The area on my arm where the Elastoplast band aid was applied went red and remained very itchy for over 6 months and took about 12 months to disappear! Could there be a connection - an allergy to rubber/latex materials?

August 25, 2016 - 6:34am


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