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EmpowHER Guest

Hi. After experiencing again this as you describe it, googling this and finding your forum, reading your possible causes, pondering my own problem and then remembering where it all started for me. Short answer, I am allergic to a certain famous washing powder. I probably am not allowed to use the name of the product.
Recently my better half switched to this certain clothing washing powder again just because the store was not stocking the alternative, forgetting that I have this problem, never telling me of course. The times of my terrible itchy and scratchy bouts coincide with the wrong washing powder being used.
The worst spot is my right arm just below the elbow. I use a right hand steering vehicle if you wish to argue the sun burn thing. At night I wake finding myself progressively trying to rip the flesh off my bones.
I get up, get burnt skin lotion, 1ste aid stuff, and try get to sleep again, desperately trying to ignore the pain.
My other arm on the same place has it too, but lesser. In fact, is on all the joints.
As a child my mom took my for allergy tests because of the itching. Atropical Eczema they said, getting older it was Winters Feet, could not wear those military boots when I was supposed to. Now it's back again, it all correlates to using the wrong washing powder on my clothes at times. When I roll up my sleeves,the itching subsides almost instantly.
If my better half does not finish rewashing everything, I'll start burning all my clothes soon.
Hope this helps you.

August 2, 2017 - 1:06am


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