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I have had BRP for over 5 years and when I have flare ups (at least 3 times a year) it is maddening. Until I realized others suffered from this condition I assumed it was in my head and had been told by doctors that it was caused by stress (the most annoying thing to here!). I thought I was the only person to use the ice packs for relief before scouring the internet for clues to this condition. No creams work and I come close to inflicting myself with pain (cutting or scratching until bleeding) because pain is preferable to the maddening itch. I am only responding because I recently came across something that does bring me some relief. I borrowed a TENS unit from my friend and as I dialed up the “shocks” to the nerve endings I did find relief! I am ordering one through Amazon and pray that it’s nit temporary. I also may order an inversion table to help with my neck but will wait until I have an MRI done to confirm any cervical issues. The TENS unit is only $30 and I was willing to pay much more if it works. Crossing my fingers for long term relief...

October 4, 2017 - 7:14pm


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