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EmpowHER Guest

Hi, i handjob my bf today and there were cum on one of my hands. The other hand had precum and i accidentally touched my hair with it. I washed my hands with faucet water afterwards. i got home probably less the twenty minutes. i washed my hands with water again. I peed.
1) could the sperms still be alive when i touched the tissue and wiped my wet vagina after i peed? could i be pregnant?
After i peed i started to panic and got in the shower all naked. i washed my hands with soap and I didnt wash my hair with soap but i let cold water run through it. i was really panicking and didnt know what to do. there was water running down my vagina.
2) could it be possible tht there might be some sperm from my hands or body or bair tht might have got me pregnant?
then i did not wash the inside of my vagina. i stayed on the outside and washed my public hair with soap.
Will i be alright? or could i be pregnant. plz help.

June 20, 2015 - 5:03am


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