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2 days after my period and i'm cramping with light spotting?
what does it mean really?
i have an irregular period, but the last couple of months i have had my period 9 days straight.
this weekend though Saturday was the 9Th day, and i had sex until yesterday. so from july 14Th to july 16th i had sex, yes he came inside me.. we are trying to conceive.
the thing is, the next morning including today i wake up feeling nauseus, cramps on one side of my abdomen and even more sleepyer. which doesn't make sense cause how could i ''be prego'' that quick?
i did have light pink blood come out the past two days, but i'm just thinking it was leftover blood?
i know that you're supposed to have sex during ovulation, but i was just trying to understand why i am feeling the way i do?
any help?

July 18, 2012 - 12:53am


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