Hooked on a narcotic? There is a vaccine for that. Chemist Dr. Kim Janda of Scripps Research Institute may have found an inventive way of breaking the cycle of addiction to such substances as nicotine, heroin, cocaine and more. Anti-addiction vaccine currently in development. This vaccine has been known for a while and it's not surprising addiction causes changes. The brain is always changing physically in response to things, even our own thoughts. The immune system is spurred to produce antibodies that fight the addiction, as well as future introduction of the drug into the system, if the user still has interest in drugs that will produce little or no effect. A chemical cocktail called an adjuvant further riles the immune system, tricking it into producing the antibodies necessary to combat the addictive properties present in the user’s system. It replaces the high of the drug, rather than merely blocking it, as anti-opiates do.
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Hooked on a narcotic? There is a vaccine for that. Chemist Dr. Kim Janda of Scripps Research Institute may have found an inventive way of breaking the cycle of addiction to such substances as nicotine, heroin, cocaine and more. Anti-addiction vaccine currently in development. This vaccine has been known for a while and it's not surprising addiction causes changes. The brain is always changing physically in response to things, even our own thoughts. The immune system is spurred to produce antibodies that fight the addiction, as well as future introduction of the drug into the system, if the user still has interest in drugs that will produce little or no effect. A chemical cocktail called an adjuvant further riles the immune system, tricking it into producing the antibodies necessary to combat the addictive properties present in the user’s system. It replaces the high of the drug, rather than merely blocking it, as anti-opiates do.
October 6, 2011 - 11:32pmThis Comment