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EmpowHER Guest

I don't know what to do. I have been married for 6 years and I feel I have been unhappy for 5 of them. I feel like everything is my fault half the time and the other half I know I'm so depressed because of how I am being treated. Sex isn't appealing to me and I can go weeks without if I let it happen. Sex is supposed to be intimate and full of love and a deep connection yet I don't feel appreciated or loved and cherished so it's become a new chore. My husband and I got a house a year ago and because my credit isn't great we put it in his name alone. Last weekend he told me during a fight "oh I forgot, this is YOUR house..." This cut me like a knife. I cried all night and we didn't speak from Sunday until Wednesday. Wednesday it was an awkward conversation and nothing was solved. Today during text message he completely shred me apart. Threatening to leave if I don't change etc. I don't have family here and they are thousands of miles away. I work full time but don't make enough to support myself and our two children. I feel so trapped. I love him but I need to love myself as well. I don't know what to do. I don't have money or a place to go that's my own. I told him if I got into a car accident I'm not even sure he would come to make sure I was ok. He shrugged and said well if that's how you feel that's on you. It's always "on me" when will it be "about me" :(

April 23, 2015 - 7:16pm


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