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EmpowHER Guest

I was married for 22 years to a woman with narcissistic personality disorder. She constantly abused me in front of the kids and her friends. After 22 years I was broken, I didn't care if I lived or died. I had PTSD and paranoid of every woman as being a potential monster. Abuse happens to men, but as with myself we tend to remain silent; not even my parents were aware of the abuse. The children are grown up now, they are just as dysfunctional as their mother. They never saw a conflict being resolved and don't know how themselves. There is no cure for NPD. When I divorced, I gave up on life. I didn't care about anything. I lost my job and went homeless.

Today I am recovering and found a menial job and live in a group home. Life is looking better now. They say that a rapist should get long prison terms, but so should these abusers.

July 23, 2015 - 4:34am


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