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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

I'm so glad you heard God again. HUGE hugs to you! I also had the experience of hearing my ex husband say hurtful things and then later on, when confronted, say - "I NEVER said that." I knew I was not crazy. Many of the same things you mention: being insulting and cold to my friends and then they would be distanced from me; feeling so numb that you couldn't even get angry at what was happening; then feeling like a wimp when my best friend said WHY do you allow him to talk to you like that; having family and friends tell me I didn't know what i was talking about because hes so CHARMING and NICE! (yes, around others he wants to fool - but behind closed doors you have no idea). You are not alone and the words... they will fade away. The more distance you can put between you and him the more the hurt will turn into a scar, and the scar will start to fade. Do I ever get "flashbacks" YES all the time. I"ve been away from him 2.5 years and they are not gone. But they have faded. Your daughter is not doomed to find a man just like her dad. Yes, she was exposed to him and his behavior. So were mine. But I continue to talk to them about it and I will keep drilling it into them for as long as I can speak that they deserve a man who respects them and treats them better than anyone else in their world. That the minute they start thinking, "Why doesn't he make me feel good? Why do I feel bad around this person?" they need to take it seriously and think about the way he's treating them. Keep praying because He is there to help you through it!

August 23, 2015 - 4:17am


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