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Hi Shelby,

Thanks for your post. You didn't mention which medication you're on so it's hard to say if that is what's making you moody. But, in general, ADD medications are known to possibly cause mood changes.
However, if you're due to get your period in two weeks, it could also be PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome-- which includes:
Abdominal fullness, feeling gaseous

Bloating of the abdomen

Breast tenderness


Constipation or diarrhea

Food cravings


Less tolerance for noises and lights

Other symptoms include:


Difficulty concentrating


Feelings of sadness or hopelessness (See also: Premenstrual dysphoric disorder)

Feelings of tension, anxiety, or edginess


Irritable, hostile, or aggressive behavior, with outbursts of anger toward self or others

Loss of sex drive (may be increased in some women)

Mood swings

Poor judgment

Poor self-image, feelings of guilt, or increased fears

Sleep problems (sleeping too much or too little)

Slow, sluggish, lethargic movement

These physical symptoms can start anywhere between 5-11 days before your period is set to start.

A healthy lifestyle is the first step to managing PMS. For many women with mild symptoms, lifestyle approaches are enough to control symptoms.

Drink plenty of fluids (water or juice, not soft drinks or other beverages with caffeine) to help reduce bloating, fluid retention, and other symptoms.

Eat frequent, small meals. Leave no more than 3 hours between snacks, and avoid overeating.

Your health care provider may recommend that you take nutritional supplements. Vitamin B6, calcium, and magnesium are commonly used. Tryptophan, which is found in dairy products, may also be helpful.

Your doctor may recommend that you eat a low-salt diet and avoid simple sugars, caffeine, and alcohol.

Get regular aerobic exercise throughout the month to help reduce the severity of PMS symptoms.

Try changing your nighttime sleep habits before taking drugs for insomnia. (See also: Sleeping difficulty)

Aspirin, ibuprofen, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be prescribed if you have significant pain, including headache, backache, menstrual cramping, and breast tenderness.

Birth control pills may decrease or increase PMS symptoms.

In severe cases, antidepressants may be helpful.

The first options are usually antidepressants known as selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Cognitive behavioral therapy may be an alternative to antidepressants.

Light therapy may decrease the need for antidepressant medications.

Patients who have severe anxiety are sometimes given anti-anxiety drugs.

Diuretics may help women with severe fluid retention, which causes bloating, breast tenderness, and weight gain.

Bromocriptine, danazol, and tamoxifen are drugs that are occasionally used for relieving breast pain.

Hope this helps!



May 2, 2011 - 5:12am


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