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EmpowHER Guest

As a chemist I can tell you that;

The amount of mercury added to multi-dose vaccine vials is 50,000 ug/l (25,000 in the Hepatitis B vaccine administered to newborns for 12 years in the U.S.) This concentration exceeds all government safety limits by hundreds of times or more. Hazardous waste is classified as 200 ug/l mercury.

Ethylmercury, the type of mercury added to vaccines, is a short chain alkyl mercury compound. This is the most toxic type of mercury that exists.

Mercury in vaccines in injected intra-muscularly which provides rapid access to the bloodstream. It by-passes the protective gastrointestinal system.

Newborns and infants are much more susceptible to mercury.

Why would the medical community defend this? Why would they lie about the facts I just presented? Why would anyone in their right mind trust a pediatrician ever again?

It's time we reframe the debate and find out exactly what this irresponsible experiment did to an entire generation of children.

June 21, 2011 - 11:20am


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