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For the life of me I cannot undertand why more doctors don't discuss this with patients of peri/menopausal age (if your doctor is uncomfortable about talking about sex with his/her patients, it's time for a new doctor!) and why more women are not prescribed bioidentical estriol cream intravaginally for dryness (estriol is the weakest of the three estrogens, so is safe for most women). It's effective (I've been using it for 5 years), safe, and inexpensive at a compounding pharmacy. I think my prescription runs about $12 per month (without insurance). This is about more than comfortable sex, the estriol cream prevents pain and tearing and it preserves the genital tissue. If anyone would like a list of resources to help you find a doctor/compounding pharmacy who specializes in bioidentical hormones (and yes, you do need a doctor's prescription for most bioidentical hormones, or a list of recommended reading to learn more about the protocol, drop me a line at [Email removed by EmpowHer Moderator] Best wishes to all for hormonal health!

July 11, 2011 - 10:05am


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