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Anonymous (reply to Anonymous)

You hit the nail on the head. I am 42 and have never been married. I have dated men over the years, but they are all afraid of marriage and think it is something bad. The seem to think that they would be "missing out on something" by devoting themselves to one woman for the rest of their lives. I am currently dating a man who is divorced, but he is scarred due to his previoius bad marriage and divorce. Therefore, he is reluctant to get married again. I have told him that not every woman is a gold digger like his ex-wife. I want children, but I refuse to be a single parent. I see what my single parent friends go through and I don't want that for myself. Not only am I am doing a dis-service to the child, but also to myself.
There are still women out here that want to be married, with a husband and a family..and not a "baby's daddy"!!!

July 24, 2011 - 6:36am


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