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(reply to mike.stanton3)

At least Geier is trying to help recover autistic children. The standard medical model says that autism is a mental disorder that is incurable and nothing can be done other than things like speech therapy and special ed. I know parents who have children who are now off the spectrum due to biomedical and other interventions. The medical model for autism also refuses to treat children's bowel disease which they say isn't related to autism but which lots of autistic children suffer from, so I don't think they are right on that one. One parent I know (whose child was one of the 12 in the Wakefield case series) told me that when her child had a life threatening bowel emergency and she took him to ED, she was told 'We will treat the emergency, not the condition'. They are too scared to touch these children because it is too political. Autistic children with bowel disease can't get treatment in the UK. Parents are told that having bowel problems is just a symptom of autism and the doctors do nothing about it. They have to go to the States to get the right care.

If it was pro-vaccine scientists who raised the alarm over thimerosal then why would they take most of it out with one hand and put it back in with the other hand? There is study after study citing concern about thimerosal, even up to 2011, they make a big hoo ha over reducing it in the childhood schedule and then they add in yearly flu shots and H1N1 shots and Hep B shots with thimerosal. And then they say that autism has continued to climb when they are still giving thimerosal containing vaccines. Seems a bit under-hand and deceitful to me.

Regarding DPT, they WOULD say that, they have an industry to protect, which appears to be more important than the children.

Check out this: The US Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) sets a lower bar for evidence of vaccine-related harm than would be accepted in civil courts, but that's what it takes for the program to succeed in helping to protect the vaccine supply, according to a report by two Canadian analysts.

The VICP was established by a 1986 law designed to protect vaccine makers from most lawsuits alleging vaccine-related injury, while giving people claiming such injuries an opportunity to get a fair hearing and potentially receive compensation from the government. Compensation funds come from a tax on vaccines. The law made it harder for plaintiffs to prove claims that healthcare providers failed to warn of adverse events.

They argue that if the vaccine court had the same evidence standards as civil courts, petitioners would be more likely to file civil lawsuits, since damage awards in that arena are potentially greater. Also, plaintiffs who fail to win compensation in the VICP are unlikely to go to the civil courts, with their tougher standards. The compensation program thus "will likely divert hundreds if not thousands of autism cases from proceeding to civil litigation," the article says.


It's not about helping victims of vaccines, it's about protecting the vaccine supply and the manufacturer's and preventing patients from taking them to court. That is just wrong on so many levels. If I had a botched childbirth I would expect to be able to take the hospital to court, a proper court.

I hardly call £120,000 a generous compensation. If you have a brain damaged child that needs 24 hour care, disability aids, medical equipment etc etc, that money is not going to pay for their life time care, and these kids should be compensated for life. Most parents have to give up their career to look after their damaged child and they aren't compensated for that. And you can't get any compensation at all in the UK system if your child died as a result of vaccines, under the age of 2 years. Since most of the vaccines are given at less than 2 years old, this is crazy. A dad who lost his 17 month old daughter showed me a letter saying they could not consider his claim because she was under 2 when she died!


They just think up ways to avoid taking responsibility for something they caused.

People can believe in evolution and God, you know. I believe in God, I think he invented evolution :)

Try telling health visitors there is no standard neurological model for development. Just take a look at 'the red book' of any child and you will see there are standards they work to. When my son didn't say 50 words at 2 years old (he only said 2 words), they said he 'failed' his development check. He also didn't draw so he failed that too. I'm not saying we can't all be different, but evolution wouldn't make us go backwards. They wouldn't make us unable to tend to our toilet needs, unable to communicate, unable to live without help. Nature always kills off the weakest. I know I would die in the wild. Nature is about improving the species. You said it yourself that evolution favours those best placed to exploit their environment, and autistic children can't do that, not classically or regressively autistic children anyway.

September 29, 2011 - 5:19am


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