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EmpowHER Guest

I have not wanted medication. Ever. The first 10 years I lived without it. How I held down a job for as long as I did, I have no clue.

The second 10 years plus years I have used medication. Nearly every year the dosage changes. I have changed medication a half dozen times, mostly the first year.

I am tired. PTSD has its own symptoms, depression being one of them. Chronic depression and anxiety together? I am tired.

County mental health services are extremely limited. The selection of medication is not the same as it is for those with insurance. Therapy is very limited. Knowledgeable therapists are few.

Some days I want off all medication. But, homeopathic and naturopathic is not enough for my level of depression. PTSD and menopause, yeah.

One more day, one more breath, non-traditional treatment and medications are working. I just don't always like it. Being dependent on a drug. Sort of reminds me of drinking and drug use years ago. Drink a little, take a bit of speed, find the right balance. :) Never worked well.

February 8, 2012 - 11:21am


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