John, I completely agree with you in every way which is why I didn't circumcise my two sons. It's amazing to me how much misinformation is spread about how "dirty" men and boys who have not been circumcised are or can be. Why would they be any dirtier? It's as if we're saying we should cut the earlobes off of infants at birth because they'll hear better if we do ( I always give this analogy when I talk about it ) and yes, I agree completely, the double standard is DISGUSTING feminist groups would be bashing in the doors of hospitals if this were happening to infant girls in the Western industrialized countries. Thanks so much for your comments.
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John, I completely agree with you in every way which is why I didn't circumcise my two sons. It's amazing to me how much misinformation is spread about how "dirty" men and boys who have not been circumcised are or can be. Why would they be any dirtier? It's as if we're saying we should cut the earlobes off of infants at birth because they'll hear better if we do ( I always give this analogy when I talk about it ) and yes, I agree completely, the double standard is DISGUSTING feminist groups would be bashing in the doors of hospitals if this were happening to infant girls in the Western industrialized countries. Thanks so much for your comments.
February 4, 2012 - 2:26pmThis Comment