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Hi Sondra.... Thank you so much for sharing your personal experience about yoga!  I was introduced to yoga a number of years ago when I was still working in a high stress high tech job. They allowed a yoga instructor to come on campus twice a week to teach a class over lunch. My girlfriend and I signed up simply so we'd be able to take a break during lunch! What started as an endeavor simply to be able to get away from the desk for an hour, turned into a real joy.

Like you, I was really surprised that the AHA doesn't consider it "physical activity." I certainly always felt like I'd had a good workout after our yoga sessions so this was a surprise to me as well.  The AHA site didn't provide a criteria of why they took this position so it's a mystery.

Again, thanks so much for sharing!


February 8, 2012 - 9:10pm


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