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EmpowHER Guest

In Florida even though there is a large number of disabled as well as seniors, the Nursing homes don't have enough CNA 's.
Nursing homes private contract there staff & when u complain the day it's not there fault that that contract company didn't send in enough staff.
What a disaster 4 our elder years & all of us. Nothing is done about it - if u complain as resident, family , or friend u will be reprimanded or moved 2 another facility & that could b worse. No one seems to address that if u were home receiving care it would cost the government, taxpayers,& family
Much less. Facility care is sub-standard & it is not a hospital. They don't even have to give u water if they are busy or plain don't care.
Even if u need 24 HR care it's less costly to be at home.
The average cost in saving per resident is between roughly between$ 100,000 to more than
300,000 per depending on level of care in a so-called Nursing Home or Rehabilitation center Nursing Homes where u never seem to get rehabed & stay. Usually got the rest of your life even though we are all paying for premium care. The average care in these facilities are 1-1/2 hours of care administered to a resident daily not 24 HR's
Why don't legislature do something about us staying at home spending our own dollars on our own bills & getting less costly care better than a so called facility's care when we can get one on one care.
It puts more people to work & we ourselves pay the overhead as usual. Answer? Is the Nursing Hone lobby bigger than all of us even ourselves plus family?
No one knows about at home care & the difference between the monies that would be saved

August 11, 2017 - 4:10pm


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