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EmpowHER Guest

Ok. So I'm in the same boat kind of. I missed my period in november my fiance and I have been having unprotected sex for the last couple years and never missed a period. I was late but never missed. It didn't seem like I was stressed out. I took 3 hpts all negative. I feel pregnant well never was but I have every symptom. My breasts hurt so bad a couple weeks ago and my nipples were darker. Today when I went to go to the bathroom I had extremly light pink bleeding only when I wiped. I also normally have my af pretty heavy except towards the end. I'm hoping I am pregnant it would be a blessing. I have unusual cramping in lower abdomen and on the inside of my uterus. Could that have been implantation or am I nuts. I go to the docs weds I just need some imput.

December 7, 2013 - 10:35pm


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