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Hey, I just wanted an opinion on what's going on with me. I had protected sex for the first time 12 days ago with my bf. I'm 21 yo and Since then my main thing has been sore breasts, though it's almost gone now. I've had pms symptoms (acne flare up, lower back pain, slight mood swings, nothing major) , like usual and started bleeding around the time I was expecting my period. I'm generally very regular, but last month I had a cycle that was again, strange for me, with breast soreness being really prolonged.

This is the start of my fifth day of bleeding. My first was very light, maybe just a spot or two of pink when wiping. Second varied from pink - red off/on and showed up on panty liner. Third was more bright red mostly them pink, but watery and light - medium. Yesterday I finally got what would be normal for me, only on a lighter scale. Bright red, a few clots and I had cramps. Changed pad every 2-3 hrs until night time when bleeding turned pink again. Cramps are gone, but there's still a bit of pink blood. I've been very stressed wondering if I could be pregnant and my eating habits lately have been very poor. I've probably gained 10 lbs in the last month or two.

Could this just be a light period due to stress?


May 24, 2014 - 10:07pm


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