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EmpowHER Guest

I couldn't find a similar problem like mine
While my period comes once every 17 days and lasts for nearly other 17 days and it's happening this way since I was 21 and now I'm 25 and still this way
I went to a doctor two years ago who told me it's normal to have a long period with short time in between two periods
But I don't think it's normal since my period has never regulated
When I first had my period I was 12 and since then it didn't happen to be regulated
In the first two years I have it once every 24 - 27- 30 days and lasts for 6-7
After that I started to have it once every every 17 - 20 days and lasts for 10 days then by the age of 21 it happened to be messed up when I have it every 17 - 15 days and lasts for 15-17 days
Can you help me? Is it really normal as the doctor said or I should see another one?

April 30, 2017 - 10:29pm


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