Sugar has become a terrible addiction in this country. Not just for our general health but also for our dental health. A recent study said 40% of all preschoolers have some form of tooth decay already. Somewhere education is failing us. Parents really need to get into a dental office either during the dental visit to get some info of what to expect going forward or at the very least by the childs first birthday.
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Sugar has become a terrible addiction in this country. Not just for our general health but also for our dental health. A recent study said 40% of all preschoolers have some form of tooth decay already. Somewhere education is failing us. Parents really need to get into a dental office either during the dental visit to get some info of what to expect going forward or at the very least by the childs first birthday.
Marielaina Perrone DDS
October 16, 2012 - 9:22amHenderson Dentist
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