"Many complications of vaccinations including autism can be explained by vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, vaccinations should be avoided or delayed until the vitamin D deficiency has been corrected."
I indeed have indeed found studies connecting autism with vitamin D deficiency, and it may very well be an environmental factor that promotes autism. However, by and large the main culprit of autism is simply genetics. There is not single smoking gun for this issue. I have updated my google documents so I can now share my references :) (https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B0bW46S9m61Kbk5OcGpHXzRuYjA/edit). Calcifediol is a metabolite of Vitamin D(3), so higher levels of vitamin D will typically correlate to increased levels of calcifediol. Vitamin D has been attributed to have some effects as in reducing infection, but likely no to a significant degree. (Grant & Soles, 2009). By and large this is the hypothesized benefit of not being vitamin d deficient, by reducing infection. Oddly enough, the best way to stop an infection from ever occurring is vaccines lol, which essentially decreases the implications calcifediol may hold, so it is not likely an overt factor for autism.
"Indeed, vitamin D deficiency “is present in up to 50% of young adults and apparently healthy children. ” Rickets has been on the rise in infants. It is now well established that a vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of certain autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Additionally, an association of thin bones (which can be caused by a vitamin D deficiency) has been observed in children with autism."
I am not exactly sure where you received the 50% statistics. I have indeed come across papers saying proportions from 25% to 50%, with a higher proportion among individuals with darker skin, as they have a greater difficulty producing vitamin D at higher latitudes, which is why lighter skin was prevalent at higher latitudes. I believe this paper (https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0bW46S9m61KV3RwazBVS2ptRUE) may be one source for such statistic. With vitamin D deficiency certainly increasing, you would expect increases in direct side effects (rickets), especially in the more at risk portions (darker skinned individuals). It does appear most rickets occur in darker skinned individuals, however, I am not apparent of the rise in rickets. If you could provide such a reference I would greatly appreciate this. With regards to the other disorders associated, this is likely the paper you are referring to (https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0bW46S9m61KN2pxNWZhWk1JRDQ), so it does appear to be supported.
Vitamin D deficiency certainly does seem to have some detrimental effects associated with it, however, if you are looking for the smoking gun, it likely isn`t it. There is never a `magic sandwich` if that is what you're looking for. Nearly every disease is caused by multiple factors, with the exception of diseases caused by infections (then a pathogen is to blame), but even then, it can sometimes only account for a certain percentage.
For area's where consumption of certain foods is less prevalent, it might be smart for a government program to increase synthetic vitamin d use. The india deficiency may be explained as one of the larger sources of vitamin D in our diet (dairy products) as well as fish, are not at as high of prevalence within India. The latitude is not always a direct aspect, because yes, India is a very sunny country, but most residents have skin colour dark enough to make it similar to a Caucasian person at European latitudes. It may likely be a result of increase office work in India, basically reducing UVb irradiation... but that is just speculation on my part.
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"Many complications of vaccinations including autism can be explained by vitamin D deficiency. Therefore, vaccinations should be avoided or delayed until the vitamin D deficiency has been corrected."
I indeed have indeed found studies connecting autism with vitamin D deficiency, and it may very well be an environmental factor that promotes autism. However, by and large the main culprit of autism is simply genetics. There is not single smoking gun for this issue. I have updated my google documents so I can now share my references :) (https://docs.google.com/folder/d/0B0bW46S9m61Kbk5OcGpHXzRuYjA/edit). Calcifediol is a metabolite of Vitamin D(3), so higher levels of vitamin D will typically correlate to increased levels of calcifediol. Vitamin D has been attributed to have some effects as in reducing infection, but likely no to a significant degree. (Grant & Soles, 2009). By and large this is the hypothesized benefit of not being vitamin d deficient, by reducing infection. Oddly enough, the best way to stop an infection from ever occurring is vaccines lol, which essentially decreases the implications calcifediol may hold, so it is not likely an overt factor for autism.
"Indeed, vitamin D deficiency “is present in up to 50% of young adults and apparently healthy children. ” Rickets has been on the rise in infants. It is now well established that a vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of certain autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Additionally, an association of thin bones (which can be caused by a vitamin D deficiency) has been observed in children with autism."
I am not exactly sure where you received the 50% statistics. I have indeed come across papers saying proportions from 25% to 50%, with a higher proportion among individuals with darker skin, as they have a greater difficulty producing vitamin D at higher latitudes, which is why lighter skin was prevalent at higher latitudes. I believe this paper (https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0bW46S9m61KV3RwazBVS2ptRUE) may be one source for such statistic. With vitamin D deficiency certainly increasing, you would expect increases in direct side effects (rickets), especially in the more at risk portions (darker skinned individuals). It does appear most rickets occur in darker skinned individuals, however, I am not apparent of the rise in rickets. If you could provide such a reference I would greatly appreciate this. With regards to the other disorders associated, this is likely the paper you are referring to (https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B0bW46S9m61KN2pxNWZhWk1JRDQ), so it does appear to be supported.
Vitamin D deficiency certainly does seem to have some detrimental effects associated with it, however, if you are looking for the smoking gun, it likely isn`t it. There is never a `magic sandwich` if that is what you're looking for. Nearly every disease is caused by multiple factors, with the exception of diseases caused by infections (then a pathogen is to blame), but even then, it can sometimes only account for a certain percentage.
For area's where consumption of certain foods is less prevalent, it might be smart for a government program to increase synthetic vitamin d use. The india deficiency may be explained as one of the larger sources of vitamin D in our diet (dairy products) as well as fish, are not at as high of prevalence within India. The latitude is not always a direct aspect, because yes, India is a very sunny country, but most residents have skin colour dark enough to make it similar to a Caucasian person at European latitudes. It may likely be a result of increase office work in India, basically reducing UVb irradiation... but that is just speculation on my part.
August 22, 2012 - 12:17pmThis Comment