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Try contacting ME/CFS Australia Victoria (http://www.mecfs-vic.org.au/). They have services available to help support you through your study and advocate on your behalf. There is also a support group for people under the age of 25, most are older than you but the majority of us have had to go through VCE with ME/CFS, whether studying less subjects or spreading the study-load over several years.

Where you live may affect whether you have a support group near you, they may be able to put you in contact with other teenagers with ME/CFS (I'd advise requesting them to give your contact details to other CFS teenagers in your area because they will be prohibited from passing their details on to you due to confidentiality).

ME/CFS Australia Victoria also have a newsletter with a contacts section you are able to add your details to (including specifying the type/age of person you are trying to get in contact with). This may also be another option.

It is well worth finding someone to chat to who understands what you're going through.

Good luck

November 22, 2012 - 11:08pm


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