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Everyone is forgetting simple medical logic: If women are at their MAXIMUM HEALTH from the ages of 15 to 45, WITH ESTROGEN, how can they be healthy WITHOUT it? Heart disease is the number one death among women (400,000 annually) and it is a medical fact that women are at a higher risk once they experience menopause. Check out the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and you will see an enormous increase of all cancers in women after the average age of 51 when estrogen is depleted. There are more than 50 estrogen receptors in a woman's body that require estrogen—heart, brain, blood vessels, breasts, bladder, liver, bones, & skin (among others). When these receptors lack estrogen, then potentially negative health effects are common.

The newly created Estrogen International Association will soon begin an independent 10-year international study of long-term estrogen users (including birth control users) to ascertain—directly from women who have taken estrogen longer than 15 years—who is healthier—the estrogen rich or the estrogen deficient woman? A realistic indication of estrogen's benefits or consequences is the association’s ultimate goal. I have SUCCESSFULLY taken estrogen alone for more than 35+ years and know there are others who have enjoyed the same health success. Women need concrete answers instead of decade after decade of flip-flopping comments and fear-promoting study results!

My mother had a hysterectomy at 24, no estrogen, died of cancer at 68. My grandmother had a hysterectomy, no estrogen, and had breast cancer. My cholesterol level has been very high all my life. It was 360 at age 28 and hit a high of 477. I have NO plaque in my arteries and am 4 years short of 70. Had I stopped taking estrogen in 2002, at age 51, as a result of the WHI inaccurate data, as reported, I probably would have been one of those death statistics. Which one of you is willing to put your health and life in the hands of a study? A scientist once said, "Today's scientific fact is tomorrow's scientific fallacy." I am not willing to take such a chance with my life or health given the record of previous studies, which cast estrogen in a negative light. It is tragic that 50,000 to 90,000+ lives were sacrificed because of inaccurate data results.

July 23, 2013 - 1:19pm


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