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Hi. My name is Kelly. On the 22nd my boyfriend and I took it a little farther than we wanted. I was giving him a hand job and he was touching me too. His penis never came in contact with my vagina though. All of a sudden he ejaculated on the top of my vagina and stomach. The ejaculation on the top of my vagina was not close to my vaginal hole. I hope you know what I mean when I say "top" of vagina. I don't know how else to describe it haha. I mean the area right below my stomach. I know that the only way to get pregnant is to have sperm placed on the inside of the vagina or the vaginal opening. I just keep stressing that maybe some of it fell in there. I pulled up my underware and then proceeded to wipe it off. I may have been ovulating at this time but I'm not sure. I don't track it. My period is supposed to arrive tomorrow but I'm so stressed that I'm terrified it won't show up. I've had minimal cramps here and there but I'm not sure if it's because I'm constipated. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I know I need to relax so it can come on time. Thanks in advance.

August 2, 2016 - 3:56am


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