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Anonymous (reply to Maryann Gromisch RN)

Hi. I had an incident April 13th (11 days ago) and took a generic version of the plan b pill 4-5 hours after. I didnt feel any significant side effects but yesterday april 23rd I noticed some dark brown with a tiny bit of red and today it came in the form of mostly thick discharge. I am on a combination birth control pill (minastrin 24 fe) but I was worried since there was a day in the week this incident occurred that I took the pill much later than usual probably even over 12 hours after my normal time, so I freaked out. I also am anxious because the time this occurred I was in my 2nd week of birth control and since im on a 28 day cycle, I believe this was around the time of ovulation, but am not certain whether it was just before during or after. according to the rule of thumb i found online that ovulation is usually 14 days into a 28 day cycle my 'day' would be the 16th just 3 days after having sex. I also did notice that about a day after having sex, there was some clear somewhat stretch discharge however I am familiar with this type of discharge when I am aroused (tmi i know sorry) so i do not know whether this is ovulation discharge or not. It only occurred for about a fraction of the day (when I woke up). My period is due this week on wednesday and I have been getting this brown discharge since sunday (yesterday). could this discharge just be from the plan b pill? It is hard for me to tell since the timing of sex could make this match up with a potential implantation bleeding since it is about the 10-14 day mark after, and I am due for my period soon. Please help me.. should I be as worried as I am? also this might not mean anything but last week 5 days after having sex, I had to take a guardasil shot at my obgyn and a mandatory pregnancy test which was negative... even though i know that was WAY too early to tell anything for sure. Any insight, perspective, or knowledge you have on this situation would be extremely helpful. Thank you so much.

April 24, 2017 - 8:09pm


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