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I had my last period 25 June 2016 and that lasted till the 2 July 2016. My cycle is normal 28 day and I have medium to heavy flow and cramps during that time. I then had unprotected sex with my partner numerous amounts of time. Then on the 22 July 2016, I had very light bleeding start which was a rose pink and then it was so times brown. I used a tampon incase and usually my period fills one up but it wasn't fully filled. I had no cramps and it only lasted till the 26 July 2016, which the last two days consisted of a very light brown colour I would get if I wiped. Right now I'm feeling very fatigued and my left breast feels like it's bruised (very tender) I have also been having nausea but no vommiting.

Could I be showing early signs of pregnancy?

July 27, 2016 - 9:58pm


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