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Okay so I had sex on the 3rd September and my boyfriend came in me , my period came on the 18th but it wasn't like normal. I had stomach cramps the week leading up to it and then I bleed for two days with clots but for the next 2-3 days it was just pinkish discharge. And I cramped for the whole week. Since then my boobs have gone bigger (no soreness or any sort of pain ) and I've got on and off headaches. I get out of breathe easily and feel really bloated and fat. However my period was just this month but its 3 days late and I've got stomach cramps and backache also I do eat a lot more than I use to and feel sick most of the time.... Could I be pregnant? Also I'm experiencing twinges in my stomach which I heard was the uterus growing ..... Please someone help me out x

October 19, 2014 - 7:25am


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