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Okay so today my girlfriend and I played with eachother for the first time (we are 16 and 17 and virgins), I don't think anything happened be I'm still concerned, here is the thing she went to drink water and I accomodated my penis from an unfomfortable position it was on my underwear while she went to do so. I know I didn't exactly touch my tip to accomodate it or grab the whole thing (I never do) but there was pre-cum on it (didn't touch it and if I did, I would wipe it off with my pants or something). She came back and before sliding my hand in to finger her I know y rubbed her butt so if I did have pre-cum it would've rubbed off with her leggings. I reached in but not completely at first, she was pretty wet so if my fingers were wet it was from her vaginal fluids at any case but is there a possibility that sperm cells could've been in my finger without the semen? (I know it sounds dumb af but I'm being a very worried pussy right now) and I dunno if by applying my fingers somehow it got to her. As far as I could reach it was really nothing since the hymen blocks me from fingering deep anyway but well yeah. I know this all sounds really dumb and stupid but I'm curious to know and a bit scared of not being more aware of my pre-cum. Btw she played with my penis too (which obviously males her have more precum on her hands) but she NEVER touched herself down there which is okay if you were wondering so on that part it's safe. It's more of my doubts on the underwear thing. And I'm pretty sure I went down there with fingers dry I'm just worried if precum can be sneaky like that?

September 6, 2016 - 6:49pm


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